ETA Hand2Mind

You Can Count on Rekenreks

Saturday, May 3, 2014

May, ahhhhh!

I am excited and ready for May, except that I have soooooo much left to do before school lets out in 14 days!

I am joining in with Farley again for the Currrently.  See below to join in too.

The only thing that needs a little extra explaining is the surprise.
Although, I am not ready to announce my big changes, there are several to come.  
I am excited to explain soon!!!


  1. 14 days. Wow! We go until June 13th. I hear you about the whole packing up a classroom. I dread end of the year packup. Such a lot of work for 2 months...especially if you aren't even moving rooms! Can't wait to find out what your surprise news is.

  2. Can't wait to find out what the surprise is! Let's get together for mani/pedi this summer! I'm thinking that would be a great NM bloggy meet up!

    A Teaspoon of Teaching

  3. I was almost jealous of you having only two weeks left and then I realized that I would have 2 less weeks for packing up - and I am so not ready!

  4. I know exactly how you feel. I'm not sure if I should shout for joy that the end is near or shout for fear that the end is near (and there's so much to do). I could definitely use a pedi. Big time.
