ETA Hand2Mind

You Can Count on Rekenreks

Monday, December 28, 2015

New Year's Goals

I am thinking about how I can make 2016 the best year yet.  I have some personal and teaching goals I have been wondering about.  Although, the "more often" goal for personal, I should really have-exercise.  I just feel more attached to the one I wrote.  Just being honest.  :)
Below in my teaching goals I have talk less and listen more.  I teach first grade and you have to guide and model for them a lot.  BUT now that it is mid-year, they know the routines, they know my expectations, they know what to do and now it is time to leave the nest and fly!  I will be expecting the students to teach more.  Yay, here we go!
Want to make some goals for yourself?  I have the slides below that I used above.  Then link up with me so I may check out your goals.  Only a few days left of 2015.  Make them great!


  1. Great post! I will really need to think about this and link up. I always have so much I feel that I could work on...need to narrow it down!

    1. Thanks! I look forward to reading what you choose. :)
